Tuesday, December 31, 2019

8. Alaa Hazrat par Kufar ka Ftwa ,Engineer Mirza ki jahalat hy,review by ALI NAWAZ ONLINE

7. Imam Ahmad raza(aala hazrat ) par jhoot.by ALI NAWAZ ONLINE

6. Engineer Mirza ka Dawt e Islami par JHOOT review by ALI NAWAZ ONLINE

Monday, December 30, 2019

5. Engineer Mirza TOBA karyga apny jhoot sy?review by ALI NAWAZ ONLINE

4. Momin ka KAFAN meela nahin hota?reply to Engineer Mirza by ALI NAWAZ ONLINE

3. Molana Tariq Jameel ki JAHALAT ka PARDAH fash review by Muft Rashid Mahmood Razvi

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2. Lie about Imam Malik Reviewed and refuted by AliNawazOnline

Introduction to Ali Nawaz Online

Ali Nawaz is an Ashiqe-e-Rasool S.A.W (Lower of Prophet P.B.U.H) who want to spread Islam, Rejecting False beliefs and defending Sunni Islam from Lies. He is a Brelvi and is a follower of the Great Imam "Imam ahle sunnat ala hazrat Ahmad Raza Khan Fazil Barelvi R.A". Refuting False, self claimed Mulas. Who just want to spread lies about Islam, gain followers and only think about Money. Oh! and also help Christians, Jews and Qadiyanis (Ahmadiiyas). Well this is a small Introduction, May Allah Almighty help Ali Nawaz Spead true Islam. Ameen